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URL Attendance

The URL room at the University of California, Irvine is a room at the Donald Bren Hall where members go to work on Ojos Project-related work.

Although we don't have super strict attendance rules, these are the minimum policies we're going to enact to make sure the lab is being properly run.


Currently, we meet at Donald Bren Hall 5089.

Documenting attendance

With a lot of people going in and out of the lab, it can be hard to track who was where. This can be an issue if something goes missing for example, we need to know who was at the lab at the time.

Therefore, to keep track of everybody's attendance, your name must be added to the Meeting Reports.

Going AWOL and getting dropped

Things happen in life. We ask to please let us know if you need time to yourself. If you disappear for more than two weeks without letting us know what's going on, we're going to assume you dropped the Ojos Project. We do this so we make room for other students who may want to join the Ojos Project.

You can join the project again at any time, only if we still have room.