Welcome to ojosproject.org
Introducing our domain: ojosproject.org! Let's have a quick chat about what's in a domain, why we got the domain, and how the Ojos Project is slowly but surely developing.
Introducing our domain: ojosproject.org! Let's have a quick chat about what's in a domain, why we got the domain, and how the Ojos Project is slowly but surely developing.
The Ojos Project won a UROP Research Experience Fellowship in December! Let's talk the grant, finances, and transparency.
The Ojos Project is searching for individuals to participate in an interview regarding their experiences as caregivers for hospice patients. As researchers, our main responsibility is to collect data to build the right thing. If you're interested, please keep reading!
The Ojos Project is currently not accepting new members. Thank you for your interest.
Please keep an eye out on this page for an update!
The Ojos Project is looking for people to join our team! We are a research project under UC Irvine Professor Mark S. Baldwin's Undergraduate Research Lab. Join us to create a different way technology can help individuals in palliative care and hospice!
If you're interested, please fill out this interest form!