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The Ojos Project has been accepted into LAEP & SURP Fellowship

· 2 min read
Joseph Sweatt
Joseph Sweatt
Engineering Lead

Person researching

Hey everybody! We are announcing that his upcoming summer quarter several of our members were able to achieve the Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) & Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Fellowship for this upcoming Summer 2024. This is a huge honor for the Ojos Project team!

This past spring our team submitted a proposal, under UCI UROP, to have our research project sponsored and achieve this fellowship. Additionally, our members were able to apply for the state funded LAEP. On May 28, we were notified that:

  • Carlos Valdez
  • Joseph Sweatt
  • Kris Doan

were accepted into the LAEP. In addition:

  • Ayush Jain
  • Meadow Rubalcava

received a SURP Fellowship!

Person giving an award to somebody else

Whats the difference?

You may be asking yourself, LAEP and SURP? What's the difference? Let me tell you.

The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment.

-- The California Student Aid Commission

In other words, this program differs in that, it is a state funded program to recognize our members of the important work they're doing and how it is crucial to their respective careers

The SURP is a University based award to recognizes the achievements our member have made already and will be continuing with our faculty mentors through the summer.

What does this mean?

The LAEP and SURP are grants and awards to allow our members to continue the work we are doing while being funded. This allow our team to use funds:

  • stipends for living
  • resources for materials cost
  • funding for project upkeep

More than that though, it is appreciation and acknowledgment of how far our members have come and the promising work yet to come. We hope that you all stay tune with our work during this summer!

Before we head out this quarter, we would like to acknowledge the following for all there contributions and aid.

  • Our Mentor, Prof. Mark S. Baldwin, for his guidance
  • UROP, for this incredibly opportunity.
  • All of our members, for putting in the hard work for this prestige.
  • You! For your support in this research!

Illustrations by Storyset.