Developers Team
The Developers team of the Ojos Project is in charge of building Iris, the at-home hospice management system.
The responsibilities of the Developers team include:
- Ensuring the main website and Docs website is updated adequately
- Requirements analysis
- Researching different tools to use
- Software design with the C4 Model, class diagrams, etc.
- Programming (Bash, Python)
Most, if not all, of the documentation for URL assumes you are running macOS or a Debian-based Linux distribution. Please use macOS, Linux, or WSL for work related to the Ojos Project. Thanks!
We try to use similar tools to ensure consistency throughout the team. Some of the tools we use are:
Tool | Setup | Reason |
macOS or Linux | N/A | Ensuring we can use the same bash scripts. |
Gaphor | | C4 Model design |
Resource | URL | Reason |
C4 Model website | | Outlines what the C4 Model is, with examples |
gtk4-rs book | | Simple documentation for gtk4-rs , the toolkit to build a Rust app |
Custom bash commands
These are commands created via the .zshrc
Command | Substitute for | Usage |
cdrive | cd /mnt/c/Users/[username] | For WSL users, will take you to your Windows home directory. |
check | ssh-add -l | Checks to see if there are identities in the SSH agent. |
activate | eval $(ssh-agent -s) && ssh-add ~/.ssh/github | Activates the SSH agent and adds the github identity. |
config | vim ~/.zshrc | Uses vim to open the .zshrc . |